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2014년 9월 9일에 발표된 이 기기는 Apple의 첫 번째 스마트 웨어러블 출시제품입니다. iFixit의 수리 설명서는 Apple 워치 (스틸) 및 Apple 워치 Sport (알루미늄)에 적용됩니다.

210 질문 전체 보기

series 1 (gen 2) battery and logic board compatible with the original?

I need to purchase a new battery for my original apple watch series 1 gen 1 A1553. I’ve found conflicting statements online as to whether a A1802 battery would be compatible or not. And while I’m replacing it I thought itd be worth while to maybe upgrade the logic board to a A1802 logic board as its more powerful. Would it be compatible? Thank you.

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What does the back of the watch tell you it is just 'Apple Watch' or 'Apple Watch - Series 1' or 'Apple Watch - Series 2'?

Without getting a clear idea which model its hard to answer you.

I literally said i want to put a a1802 board in a a1553 body how more clear can I be about models?

Many people don't know what they have so I was just trying to make sure.

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Unless you have one of the special edition watches Apple made its not worth the effort. I know someone who transplanted the entire Series 3 insides into a gold case for someone. It was quite a bit of work.

Going between the Series 0 to a Series 1 is not much of an upgrade. I would just replace the battery and call it a day

You’ll need to replace the display and battery with the logic board as the connections are different.

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