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Apple은 MacBook Air 13"를 2017년 6월에 새로운 Broadwell Intel Core i5 프로세서로 업데이트하여 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

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iOS devices keep disconnecting

I’m been touch with Apple and they keep saying its a hardware issue on Mac, however i would like other solutions: I have doubts it’s hardware for the following reasons:

1) Flash dives/external drives all work fine on both USB ports. connection is not a problem, but is only a problem with iPhone and iPad.

2) iOS successfully restored using Windows PC with same cable that causes issue on Mac, so that rules out the device.

The problem is iPhone and iPad both get connected/disconnected constantly on Mac

I’ve ruled out cable and device, since they connect and update fine in iTunes on Windows. and the same cabled are used to charge from wall outlet..

Someone told me only two of the four pins in the cable are used for “data transfer”, but cable can’t be an issue since it work fine on Windows on the same troubled device.

This is a Mac hardware problem, given that other USB devices work perfectly fine ?

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Problem solved… by coincidence it was just a cable issue..

Ironically, I would have said said “It cannot be a cable issue if works on a Windows PC just fine”

Strange things happen.

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@tech198 awesome. now all you have left to do is to accept your own answer as the solution. that way others in the same situation will know what to do.

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Sadly, you do likely have a system problem with your MacBook Air.

Let’s go over what’s happening with the USB connection between different devices. We have passive devices and active devices (ones that need power). We need to look at the two elements of power what the system has and what it can offer. Both your iPhone & iPad require power and will often stress the ports ability to offer enough power. When the system encounters a device pulling to much power it will shutdown the port! This gets into why does it think its not able to support the device’s need. Is the systems power limited or is the device pulling too much?

Let’s check your systems battery to see if its getting to the end of its life. Install this app CoconutBattery

To check the USB port you’ll need a means to measure what happening at the USB port using a power meter USB Power Meter

Using the meter measure the draw between your PC and your Air does the PC pull more power? Post some pics or vid so we can see 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

USB Mini Voltmeter 이미지


USB Mini Voltmeter


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Not sure if this will help, but I had the same problem with my iphone 7 and macbook air (and for me too the issue was 100% only with the iphone, all other external peripherals did not have the problem). When I connected the iphone it would just go connected/disconnected continuously. Charging from outlet worked fine too.

With another lightning cable the problem fully went away and with the problematic cable, strangely, flipping the tip of connector would help too. I also recommend cleaning the tip of the connector with a sheet or cloth and maybe the port itself too (you can also try taking a needle or something similar to scrape out any dust that may be compressed there).

Also I should mention that the “problematic cable“ worked fine for another iphone

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Ya, i guess i kinda figured someone would prove me wrong…

oh well,, better luck next time.

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