Dropped Mac air in bathtub?

I dropped my mac air early 2015 in my bathtub while it was turned on with the screen opened. It went completely underwater, but I got it out right way. I didnt know so much about water damage etc. at this point so I just left it to dry but never thought I would ever see it up and running again.

A few weeks later I try to turn it on and it turns on, but the questionmark folder appears, and no disk is detected in disk utility after entering internet recovery. There no clear corrotion on the motherboard, both sides. Not on the ssd connector or ssd itself either. I try my ssd in my friends mac, same result, disk not detected - questionmark folder. But, then I put my friends ssd into my mac and my mac boots perfectly straight into my friend´s login page, and I can use my mac.

I assume from this that it is only my ssd that is broken. I order an owc aura ssd. I put it into my mac, but it is not detected in disk utility because my macos is only sierra for some reason. It was catalina when it went underwater. Customer service at owc tells me it is my boot rom that has a wrong date. They tell me to put a original apple ssd in my mac, install the newest macos in recovery mode, then put my owc aura ssd back in and go from there. Perfect I think because I have my friend's original apple ssd that is working in my mac.

I enter recovery mode, and after the loading process, it appears a grey box with info about resetting a password if I do not remember it, and under this I see the different disks that is available to install on. So far everything is still detected. But there is nowhere to type any password and it is not possible to choose any of the diskoptions and then proceed. I run out of time and I pressed the button underneath «turn off».

I return a few hours later and try internet recovery again, but now it gets stuck in the loading process at 1 min remaining. I turn the mac off and try again, and now the questionmark folder appears. My friends original apple ssd is not detected anymore. I reach disk utility in recovery mode after one more try, but the disk is not detected.

My friends ssd is still working in his mac, so it is not broken.

What is the issue here? Is it my ssd connector, is something unknown another place on the logic board? Any advice, tips, tricks or conclusions?


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I think it the try a working board

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