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Officially marketed as Nerf Blasters, Nerf guns are toy weapons made by Hasbro that fire foam darts or, in some cases, foam balls.

169 질문 전체 보기

I have a question about paint jobs

I want to do a cosplay for a character known as Blackbeard from the video game “Rainbow Six Siege” and I was wondering if your company would allow me to send my Fortnite Scar in to have it Professionally disassemble, spray-painted black and have the barrel stay Orange and professionally reassembled and sent back to my P.O. Box

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Ifixit does not do repairs. They try to give you the tools and the guides for you to be able to do it yourself. Maybe one of the professionals on this answers would want to do this. Please give us your exact model and a link to what you are trying to achieve and one of us might want to do this if the price was right. Also your location in the world.

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