Throttling Due to Missing Sensor

I didn’t notice the fans running at 100% when I bought this laptop used. It’s throttled and FaceTime rarely works. I get the following errors

  • PFM006 - SMC problem
  • NDC001 - Camera problem
  • PPN001 - Power Management problem
  • Video will resume when Mac cools down (Facetime)

In Istat, the camera sensor and a few others are offline. However, occasionally all the sensors come back online and everything works for ~10seconds. I’m currently waiting for Pentalobe screwdrivers to come in the mail so I can open this up, but I’m hopeful it’s a loose connector or small corrosion, since it occasionally comes back online.

Anything to be on the lookout for? I’ve attached Istat screenshot of sensors offline/online. Thank you guys!!

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