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Repair guides and disassembly information for Microsoft's third-gen Surface Laptop, released in October of 2019.

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Annoying ticking from the unit

Hey guys! wife’s been given one of these as a work laptop and we’ve discovered couple days in that it makes a rapid ticking/ rattling noise from the F9 key area; it appears from the internet search that most of these have this issue and although MS will replace the unit if you were to complain, they’ll give you an identical one with he same noise.. it’s not a fan noise, before anyone claims it is… it appears. to be one of the coils just above the heatsinks on top. to the motherboard… anyone experienced this and managed to find a solution? for some reason folk on the internet seem to think that messing with registry entries will somehow mend this… beer tokens for helpful answers ;)

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the ticking you hear is likely noises from the graphics unit/ the power delivery. it is normal and no sign for any issue, if it is particularly loud, you propably got a bad unit, unfortunately u cant do anything about that. other then wear headphones of course.

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