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Apple iPhone 5c는 2013년 9월 10일에 발표되었습니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 8, 16, 32GB / 흰색, 분홍색, 노란색, 파란색 및 녹색으로 제공하였습니다.

1234 질문 전체 보기

Touch Screen Behaving Weirdly

In a fit of anger, I pressed down on my iPhone 5c’s screen, probably harder than it was meant to handle. Afterward, the touch screen started behaving weirdly. It wouldn’t respond when I touched it. It began pressing in random places on the screen, sometimes opening an app or something. The keyboard would sometimes not work on some keys, and often press the entirely wrong ones (e.g. pressing L and typing a Z). Sometimes the issue goes a way temporarily and I am able to use it like normal. I have tried closing all apps, I have rebooted numerous times, and have done a couple hard reboots. None of these had any impact on the issue. I am certain this is a hardware issue. If anyone has any words of advice, that would be much appreciated.

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Sounds like you’ll need a screen replacement. You most likely damaged the digitizer which is what senses your touch. When that get’s damaged, it can cause issues like the ones you’re experiencing.

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I ordered a replacement screen on Amazon. Hope it goes well.

Don't use screens from Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, or AliBaba. They're junk.

It seemed to have mostly positive reviews. What's not good about the ones from Amazon?

@s0me0ne most of the time they're junk and they don't come with a warranty.

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I have had the same problem but with an iphone 6s what I did was I took out the battery and put it back in and then it worked just fine.Sorry if it doesn’t work for you :(

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