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{A1706 / EMC 3071}—2017년 6월 출시, 이 MacBook Pro 13”는 Kaby Lake 프로세서 최대 3.5 GHz Core i7 및 Turbo Boost 최대 4.0 GHz 포함.

277 질문 전체 보기

How to shut down a fan running continuously

Since doing a PRAM reset, my fan is now constantly running upon start-up. I have tried the SMC reset with no luck. Upon releasing the Shift-Control-Option and power buttons, there is an automatic start-up. It does not give me the option to repress the power button as instructed. Please help. Thank you!

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Can you give us some background on what happened to the system.

Did you bang or drop your system? Did you have a liquid spill onto it or sit the system down on a wet surface? Did you have an electrical event like a power outage or lightning storm?

The more details the better!

@danj Thank you. None of the above has happened. I noticed yesterday that my camera was not working for skype. So after trying numerous things, I tried the PRAM reset. Upon doing this, not only was the camera still not working, the fan then started running continuously. I have tried the simple shut down and restart. I have check Activity and hardly anything is drawing power from the CPU. Both the SMC and PRAM resets don't seem to work as, as soon as I take my figures of the keys, the macbook restarts.

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Sadly, you appear to have a deeper issue on your logic board. It might be possible to repair yours, but thats going to take a bit of time given the current state of affairs. The other option is replacing the logic board. This does offer an opportunity to upgrade if you’ve found your system was running out of RAM or storage.

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I appreciate your insight into this. I think I may have inadvertently solved the fan issue. Although I thought my charger was plugged in, it turns out it wasn't... so when the battery completely drained, the fan obviously shut off. Upon recharging the battery and restarting, the fan was back to normal. I will keep a close eye on things, but this could be a solution for others facing the same dilemma as me. Thank you again!

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You could try restarting in safe mode by holding down the shift key immediately after pressing the power button.

this might help https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201255

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Thank you for providing this option. Unfortunately, it didn't work. I do appreciate it though.

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