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2011년 10월 24일 출시 / 2.2, 2.4, 또는 2.5 GHz 쿼드-코어 Intel Core i7 프로세서

405 질문 전체 보기

I want to swap out my HDD for a SSD. Any guides?

Late 2011 MBP 15”, 2.5GHz Intel Core i7, running High Sierra 10.13.6

I want to swap out my 750 GB HDD for a TB SSD. Still want to keep the optical drive in place. Any guides/guidance ?

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I did, indeed. But theis manual goes only up to the point of pulling out the old HDD. It says nothing about replacing it with a new SSD! Are there any size, form, or cable issues with making the transfer to a different format? Is there a guide which covers the replacement side of the issue ? There was an issue on older Macs of TRIM support, is this an issue here?

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Did you really not see this:

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Late 2011 하드 드라이브 교체

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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I did, indeed. But theis manual goes only up to the point of pulling out the old HDD. It says nothing about replacing it with a new SSD! Are there any size, form, or cable issues with making the transfer to a different format? Is there a guide which covers the replacement side of the issue ? There was an issue on older Macs of TRIM support, is this an issue here?

just now by stevesamrob

you have link in right side Parts: https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Guide/7513

The size and shape of SSD is same. Just put screws at same place.

In principle, you can get any typical SSD from where ever but you can buy it here as a courtesy…

older Macs of TRIM support

If you update to newer macOS you will get all best TRIM or whatever -> what Apple thinks you deserve. :-)

Mind you, for a 2011 mac, I would never install catalina OS, it slows down. (ya ya, OS updates and security whatever). Everyone has their choice!



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