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2011년 10월 24일 출시 / 2.2, 2.4, 또는 2.5 GHz 쿼드-코어 Intel Core i7 프로세서

406 질문 전체 보기

Flashing Question Mark, No Keyboard Inputs Work

Hey guys, I got my MacBook and installed Catalina with the dosdude1 patcher but was having issues so I wanted to go back to High Sierra. I went to try Command + R and it didn’t work. I also tried internet recovery, nada. I disconnected everything including the battery etc and that make no change, SMC reset did nothing either. When holding Alt/Option no boot devices show up. I completely wiped the HDD (fully functional along with the HDD cable btw) and tried installing using a USB, still has a flashing question mark. I installed the installer on different computers, different MacOS versions, USB’s etc. Nothing works. Any ideas? Thanks

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I would post this question with Colin on his DOSDUDE FaceBook Page to see what he can give you for guidance.

If you have a second Mac which you can connect your MacBook Pro’s drive via SATA to USB adapter externally so you can reformat it and install a fresh copy of Sierra I would do that. But the systems firmware may not allow the repaired drive to boot. That would require deeper skills to fix or just replace the logic board. Don’t forget this series has a known issue with the PCH & GPU’s which is also a strong possibility here.

I would look at replacing the logic board with a 2012 model as being a good fix. Just be aware you’ll need new RAM and the LVDS cable needs a slight modification so it can properly fit the s logic boards socket.

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