Update: MacBook Air SMC issues after software update

Links to previous questions; MacBook Air SMC issues after software update

13" Mid 2013 MacBook Air wont turn on after update


This MBA is experiencing several SMC related issues including;

  • Macbook will not go to sleep
  • Magsafe charger will not light up
  • Fan goes full force the second I turn on the computer
  • Keyboard backlight will not turn on
  • MacBook not recognizing the battery
  • Wont connect to Wi-Fi

Because it failed while updating to MacOS 10.14 Mojave, and is only having these issues afterwards, I am convinced an SMC update failed.


I am trying to manually reinstall SMC firmware using the following forum https://discussions.apple.com/thread/485...

However I am getting this error while running the command “SmcFlasher.efi -reset 1”;

“Warning (at least one SMC ) is not in the expected AppCode mode, but in ‘U’ mode


To enter AppCode mode run SmcUtil with the ‘reset 1’ option.”


How can I run “SmcFlasher.efi -reset 1” without getting the error?

Is there another way to manually flash SMC?

Thanks in advance!

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