iPhone 7 will only boot if charge port is connected externally

Charge port was loose so I bought a replacement. Installed it and thought it went well. Phone was in boot loop. The phone would boot with no charge port connected to the motherboard. I put the old charge port in and the same thing… no boot but it would boot if nothing was connected. I then connected the new charge port to the motherboard and let it hang there and the phone worked and the battery would charge. Only the motherboard connection was made to the charge port. The taptic cable or antenna were not connected. Ever since then the only way the phone will work is with no charge port or one connected externally (not the one actually in the phone). In this process the home button cable tore so that is not functioning. I doubt that is an influence but worth mentioning.

This is crazy that I cannot get the charge port to work if I install it in the phone but if I take it out then plug it in with no other connections made then the phone will charge and functions normally (except without a home button).

Suggestions? I’m ready to set it aside and upgrade to an iPhone 8 but I really want to keep trying to figure this out. I have a 3rd replacement charge port and it also works when hooked up to the motherboard but I’m yet to try to install it into the case.

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