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27" 화면 2560 x 1440 픽셀 해상도 Thunderbolt 및 MagSafe 케이블 부착물

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Why is my screen going fuzzy and cutting out all the time?

I have a 27 inch Thunderbolt Display and was told by a repair guy to replace the fan and the issue would go away. I replaced the fan and the monitor def works longer than it did but now is cutting out again as-well. what else could be the problem?power supple or is it a video card? please advise. Thank you in advance.

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Can you post a short vid showing us the transition from start to fuzzy so we can get a better idea 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

Posted the video. Thanks for your help. @danj

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At first this looks like a loose connection within the display or to it. The winking out and back on would appear to be more power related with the displays backlight.

But! The point where I see a clean desktop

Block Image

That decomposes to

Block Image

We then see the display tries to resync

Block Image

And then

Block Image

This aims us to the T-CON board on the back of the display panel having issues!

I’m thinking you have a cold solder joint which is the issue or a cap is failing.

Now the fun part! Either you’ll need to reflow the components using a good flux (and solder) and hot air re-work station. Or, just replace the T-CON board or the display assembly if you can’t locate the needed discreet part. You might want to get a Grade-C display to salvage the T-CON board if your display is good otherwise.

As an example: 27” Thunderbolt Display LCD Panel, Apple P/N: 661-6028, LG #: LM270WQ1 (SD)(B3) - Grade-C

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