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2017년 11월 4일 출시. A1865, A1901. GSM 또는 CDMA / 64 또는 256 GB / 은색 또는 스페이스 그레이. ("iPhone 10"으로 발음합니다.)

1208 질문 전체 보기

Phone Not Recognizing Sim Card

Hi there

I have an iPhone X that is not seeing the sim card. The real problem I’m having is that the Apple online chat turned it into a brick! Before their “handiwork” at least I could use everything except the cell service!

One day the phone stopped seeing the sim card. I did the usual - turning off/on etc. Didn’t fix the problem.

I was on the online chat with Apple who assured me that the problem would be solved with a full phone reset. I did this…and you guessed it, the phone didn’t see the sim card. Not only that, but the phone now can’t be activated. It sits with the “It may take a few minutes to activate your iPhone” message for some time and then says it’s unable to activate.

Obviously I’d like to get the cell service working as well as activating the phone.

The phone has not been in water. It has a small bit of damage to the rear glass, but this was done months before the sim card problem.

My bills are of course paid and the cell service is active. This is proved by putting my sim card in another working handset and a known working sim card in my handset.

If anyone could recommend a solution, that would be great.

Thank you for your help in advance!

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Unable to activate plus not recognising sim. This will more than likely be a Baseband CPU issue. If you are lucky it could be oxidised or broken solder balls on the interposer board which would just require the separation of the boards and re-ball and assembled again.

If this doesn’t fix the problem it would point to the baseband CPU itself. You would be lucky to find a reputable repairer to try this repair and if you did it would be extremely expensive.

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Consult with a board repair specialist like iPad Rehab or STS Telecom. I’m thinking it’s an issue with one of the boards or the connection between the two.

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If the back of the phone has a chip or a crack then water can get inside. If you sat it on a wet counter water can get in.the metal case has a hole the diameter as the width of the phone for the wireless sensor to work. Metal in between that sensor and the wireless charger won't work, so that's why they have a hole and the back of the phone is glass. So I would send it to jessa at ipad rehab or Jason at sts telecom

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