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2012년 9월 12일에 발표된 여섯 번째 Apple iPhone입니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 16, 32, 또는 64GB / 검정색 또는 흰색으로 제공하였습니다.

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I Lost a Screws

Hey, I was fixing a IPhone 5 screen and lost 2 screws. The first one was one of the screws that holds the battery plate cover down. The second one was one of the screws that holds the plate down that goes of the screen connectors. I looked for replacement screws but they just come in a big bag and I don’t know how to identify them

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You have to be careful which screw you put in which hole. They have different lengths and if you put in the wrong one and tighten it and can damage the motherboard. You need to buy the pack of screws and find a video or an article that tells you the length and size of the screw. I haven't found one yet. If you can borrow a iPhone 5 from someone and compare the screws. I was looking for screws the other day because I was changing the screen on iPhone xs max and someone didn't put the cover and screws in for the screen and battery. I found the cover and had it sent from China but I couldn't find the screws and bought them for an iPhone X and will have to figure out which screws will work. I hope this helps you.

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