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Samsung Galaxy S9은 모델 번호: SM-G960XU로 식별됩니다. 2018년 3월에 출시된 9세대 Samsung Galaxy Series 입니다. 색상은 라일락 퍼플, 미드나잇 블랙 및 코랄 블루가 있습니다.

141 질문 전체 보기

Buying Cheaper Charging Port Boards from Other Sites

I need to replace my Galaxy S9’s charging port daughterboard, and I noticed that the part is available on iFixit for $30, while it can be found on other part sites for less than $10. Is there a reason for such a price difference? Are fake/low quality versions of this part widespread? I really don’t want to spend $30 on a part if there’s little to no risk in buying the much cheaper alternative.

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You can find quality parts for under 10 dollars if you look around.

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