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더 커진 Samsung의 주력 핸드폰. 2018년 3월 출시.

130 질문 전체 보기

Can a cracked screen produce input lag when typing?

I have an s9+ (factory reset) and as im typing it seems like it has to “think” and then picks up later on. Maybe it doesnt freeze and my taps arent registering I am not sure.

But if i go to type “Hello world” it will end up looking like “he rld” or something of the sort, and if I type slow and methodical everything seems fine, its only like that if I type fast which is not the case on my iphone.

The cracks do cross the screen but are mainly thin, except where they originate from which is on the “A” and “shift” key.

I was wondering if the cracked glass could cause this. I did the usual tests when you dial in the code and all of that came up fine, even the touch screen test.

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The cracked glass is the digitizer and it is what detects and transmits the touch. A crack can interrupt the signal. Try using voice input and see if it works fine. You will probably just need a new screen replacement.

Update (06/13/2020)

The cracked glass will cause touch issues. You could try settings you touch sensitively but I believe you need a new screen.

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Hey there, thanks for the response. But what exactly do you mean by the "cracked glass is the digitizer"? From what I was seeing is that the glass sits on the actual display/digitizer. The voice does work fine if that is any indication to the issue. I was going to try and fix the glass.

Last question, by screen do you mean the display? or just the glass, because its seems like the glass is the only thing thats broke

I mean the entire screen.

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