Powers up but with no chime and a black screen.
I have a Power Mac G4 Quicksilver 2002 800MHz that will power on when the power button is pressed but will not boot. The button will illuminate but only when it is being pressed. All the fans except for the CPU/logic board fan spins up. The red diagnostic light on the motherboard lights up when the Power Mac is on. The hard drive appears not to be spinning up when the Power Mac is on. There is no chime and a black screen as well. If I press and hold the power button the Power Mac does turn off. I can also power on the Power Mac with an iMac G3 keyboard that has a power button on it, but I cannot use the same button to turn the Power Mac off. I have replaced the PMU battery and pressed the CUDA button and also tried different RAM sticks, but the Power Mac is still acting the same. I’ve even powered it on with no sticks of RAM in it to see if I’d get an error beep code, but the Power Mac still does the same thing. I’m guessing that the power supply would be the problem but they are expensive when looking on eBay so I wanted to know if there are any other things I can try first that could possibly fix the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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