your need as fast as possible

Please my dear manger: I would be most grateful to you if you would look into this matter as soon as possible.The aila ventialtion system from stephan  it's LCD screen is broke down and we need to repair it as fast as possible in order to overcome about coivd-19 .If you respect Is there anther solution or any screen to does instead of it or where can we find like original screen OR give my the LCD pins discreptions.

Update (06/20/2020)

Thank you for your attention


Kind regards,


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I am unsure at the moment but being what is is, I’m going to find the parts ASPA, do you already have to tools?

Can you post a pic of the connector so I can find a suitable replacement?

@ranger1509Thank you for your attention.

Please see the pictures in the update of questions

Kind regards,

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