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Nintendo Switch fan not working


Hope everyone is doing well.

My niece Nintendo Switch fan is not working and is causing the device to overheat. Purchased a replacement fan and still does not function, so I tested both original and replacement fan on my own switch and both worked perfect.

She apparently dropped the switch while it was docked and since then it started overheating and her joycon will not charge when attached to the switch.

Anything else besides the fan I can check to get this working?

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Can someone please help us with this situation?

how we can fix the switch for the fan

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There is a mosfet above the M92T36 PMIC that controls that function on the Nintendo Switch part number is SSM6P49NULFCT-ND

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Try replacing the fan. You can find them on Amazon for about 10 bucks. If it still does not work make sure the fan cable is properly connected to the connecter.

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