ST 1100 ABS/CBS brakes

Hi there Honda people. I would like to ask those who have an experience or a information related with ASB as well as CBS braking system on ST 1100 1996.

The brakes on my bike started to be a kind of sticky.  I tried to solve the problem by pushing the pistons out by pedal or lever as much as possible (clippers taken off the bike and braking pads out too).   After that I have used some inappropriate (some VB40 a copy of a WD40) to wash the pistons and to grease them....  And that was a huge mistake...

I have destroyed the piston seals. They become swollen, so the brakes started to be even more sticky....

I have ordered a new hydraulic seals and dust seals for all nine pistons from WEMOTO and now I am waiting.

However, during my struggle with brakes I changed a brake fluid by adding a new one to reservoir, pumping the brake and releasing the old liquid though the bleeding niple. But before that I tried to simple suck the old brake fluid through open niple using a hudge 100ml medical syringe with transparent hose while adding a new brake fluid to a reservoir...

It did not work.  In spite of making a strong vacuum with syringe I wasn t  able to pool out almost any fluid.  So I proccide with procedure described above.

My question would be  ,   is that normal or it might be an obturation somewhere in lines...  As I understand that part of mechanic, in simple non ABS or CBS(combined brake system) by opening the bleeding niple and the reservoir cover the fluid should leaks out simply by gravity slowly or with little help of a weak vacuum much faster...  I am not familiar with ABS/CBS systems...    I have tried to suck out the brake fluid from the front clippers too, its not working either.  But the front brakes work ok...

If anyone have an explanation, please let me know...

Thanks in advanced.


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