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Apple의 MacBook Air 13" 2015년 5월 업데이트에는 5 세대 Intel Core i5 및 i7 프로세서가 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

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Not Turning On or Stuck on Apple Logo

I cannot get my macbook air to turn on. And when it does turn on I get the picture attached this message - stuck on loading bar and apple logo. Please help, thank you.

Block Image

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Have you tried a soft reset yet? (Hold down control, option, shift and power until it reboots). If not, I could guess that is a software issue, maybe try removing and reinstalling your harddrive?

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Thanks Justin. None of the various start ups methods are working. Not safe mode, not command, r, not pram etc

I would reccomend a battery pull for starters. Then maybe try that harddrive thing. If not try bringing it to a shop or seeing if anyone else on here has a better solution. Good luck!

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Did you ever get it? Mine is doing the same

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