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2014년 9월 9일에 발표된 이 기기는 Apple의 첫 번째 스마트 웨어러블 출시제품입니다. iFixit의 수리 설명서는 Apple 워치 (스틸) 및 Apple 워치 Sport (알루미늄)에 적용됩니다.

210 질문 전체 보기

Found Apple Watch and want to return to Owner

Hey I was snorkeling in Lake Tahoe last week and found somebody’s Apple Watch 5th generation. It was 15 feet down and prob there a couple days and it still works. I would like to find the owner but since it is asking for a passcode I couldn’t get very far with that. I then called Apple and they said they couldn’t help. What do you think I should do with it? If I can’t find the owner then can I somehow wipe it clean and use it?

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All apple iwatches need apple email (apple id) to connect and sync each other iCloud Info, if you reset it, it will ask you for the old email from the old user and basically you can’t use the watch until you enter the right email and password, also if you reset it and connect it to your phone you can see if the owner left a note about returning it.

If nothing helps you, sell it online for parts. Somebody may need the screen.

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