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모델 A1419 / Late 2013 / 3.2 & 3.4 GHz Core i5 또는 3.5 GHz Core i7 프로세서, ID iMac14,2

342 질문 전체 보기

Why can't my iMac boot up?

My iMac won’t boot up to the login screen. It gets stuck at 100%. Ive done everything I can from resetting the smc, to resetting the nvram, to redownloading macOS. I checked the disk utility and it says nothing is wrong. Ive done everything the apple support page has shown to fix it and nothing has worked.I had a friend look at it and he seems to think the hard drive might be bad. Could that cause my issues?

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Boot from an external USB drive. Then run Disk Utilities from it.

UPDATE 8/12/20

Here how to drop in a new SSD, see step #36

iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 하드 드라이브 교체

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Okay I booted from my external and I’m finally Logged in to my iMac. So does this mean my main hard drive is the issue? My iMac 27 is still not running as fast but that’s probably because my external is just a seagate backup plus slim 1tb right?

@emveed Time to drop an SSD drive in it and give it a few more years of usefulness.

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First, check that your Mac has a power source. Yes, it’s silly and obvious, but anyone who’s done tech support knows that you have to get the obvious fixes out of the way first. So if your MacBook won’t boot on battery power, plug it in. The battery may be fully depleted or could be malfunctioning. Use Disk Utility From Recovery Mode. Press and hold the Command + R keys during the boot-up process. You should try to press these immediately after you hear the chime sound. Your Mac should boot to recovery mode. If it doesn't, you probably didn't press the keys soon enough — restart your Mac and try again.

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