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모델 A1225 / Mid 2007 and Early 2008 / 2.4, 2.8, 또는 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

435 질문 전체 보기

With new hard drive, install operating system

If I install new hard drive, then what do I do to start reloading software? Have Snow Leopard. (had Snow leopard) have time machine, idisk, dropbox and even Toast's backups on other externals.

But should think have to get Mac OS into harddrive once replaced?

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The way it did work, was not using the Installation Disk Utilities menu to use a reboot from the Time Machine Backup.

That crashed twice.

So then just installed Snow Leopard, and the once empty drive had most of (all of??) the data I wanted to recover from the Time Machine Backup that had told me had crashed after 20 hours of rebuilding.

So, it was:

Use Startup disk

Use Utilities and reboot from Time Machine

allow it to crash (and then I did all this over again)

And in frustration, just install the OS

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You need to format the drive before you can do anything. Startup from your system installation disk. Go to the second screen pull down menu to Utilities > Disk Utility. Select your drive from the left hand column and format it and give it one partition, this should be GUID. Now quit disk utilities. Continue with your system installation. When setting up use migration assistant to move your old data back onto the drive.

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+ Howdy stranger. Haven't seen much of you for a few days. Hope everything is alright.

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ABC cellars is exactly right. I lost ten hours as I did not FORMAT (partition) first. I used the 2211 manual and made my own adjustments. it worked! only One screw left over.

Ifixit should add ABCcellars advice to the final manual.

Also, the vacuum cups leave marks on the screen that are hard to get rid 0f.

otherwise, happy camper.

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