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An upgrade of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance, the Advance SP was released, in North America, on March 23 2004 with a square structure and clam-shell design.

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Why does my Game Boy Advance Sp have a difficult time reading games?

I recently bought a used GBA SP on eBay for a decent price. I got the exact console pictured and the system powers on and shows the Gameboy logo just fine. However, when I insert any cartridge it either won’t load it at all or it will be a glitchy mess. One exception to this is when I insert my Pokemon LeafGreen copy and hold it in tight with my hand it will load and play properly as long as pressure is being applied to the cartridge. But as soon as I release the pressure it will freeze or glitch out, the same with all the other games. I have tried cleaning the contacts with 90% isopropyl alcohol and compressed air from a can on the console and the cartridges to no avail. What else can I do to repair this? It seems like it should be an easy fix.

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I advise to open up the console and clean it from the inside too. Check if the pins are damaged and if they are clean (without the back cover on). I think the reader is done for and needs to be replaced (as it’s making half contact). But could be that something is blocking (dirt).

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I tried to clean it more extensively like you suggested. It works slightly better now, but I believe I will need a new reader. Thanks for your input!

Your welcome! Too bad that it needs to be replaced :(.. But, after replacing it, you should be able to play the games again without any issues :). Keep in mind that you need to solder/desolder to complete this repair.

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