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Changed my processor now it's rebooting in games

Hey guys, I use my computer for games and work. I wanted to upgrade the processor to improve some activities and games, used to have an i5 2310, decided to upgrade for an E3 1240 v2. I know it's an old machine,but money is really short and it's the best I could get. However I've been having a problem, the machine is running all the benchmarks and stress tests ok and without any problems so far, but if I try to play games it reboot without any warning and stuck in a bios screen, then I have to unplug from the socket for it to start again without the bios screen. I've tried to play Warzone and Total War Troy and this happened. It was rebooting in 3 minutes, then I thought it was a driver issue and formated the computer from the scratch, all drives new. Now I can play for like 15-20 minutes before it reebots. Do you guys know what may be causing this reboot issue, any idea how can I fix it?

My computer specs is: E3 1240 V2 GA B75M D3H GTX 960 G1 gaming 4gb 12 gb 1333mhz ddr3 ram Corsair 430w Fujitsu SSD 500gb It was running fine with i5 2310, just weak for games, this is running better but it reboots! Thanks!

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If I understand correctly, you upgraded from an i5 to a Xeon? Based on what you're saying that likely rules out the thermal/power issues. Have you tried resetting the CMOS by unplugging the PC and removing the coin cell from the motherboard for 30 minutes?

Your ram may be an issue, Xeons can be more picky about ram config. Try just one stick and see if it still crashes. Make sure if it crashes like that, that you try another stick to rule out that single stick as being a bad stick.

If you're still not 100% sure about your ram being good, you can always run memtest 86 to double check it.

Update (10/29/2020)

What kind of CPU cooler do you have on the CPU? It sounds like you’re running into thermal issues from my experience. Otherwise it may be a limitation of your PSU or your motherboard to deliver enough power.

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@alecm I have one CoolerMaster Blizzard T3, I did all sort of benchmarks and stress tests on the system, and the temperatures remained stable never above 70ºC, it was running fine with the i5 2310 that had a way higher tdp of 90W and this one new is 69W. It only reboot after around 10 minutes playing games.

I'm using two corsair 4gb 1333mhz memory and one 4gb Kingston memory, could this be the problem?

Also CPUZ is indication 3.6ghz in the processor clock, but the intel says it's 3.4ghz is that a problem?

@alecm Yes, I did upgraded from a i5 to a Xeon, thought it would help me with running multiple programs for work, it consumes less power than the Xeon so I don't think it's a PSU problem, since it was running fine. I will definitely try unplug the battery to reset the CMOS, thanks for the tip, I will also remove all the components and cables, clean teh contacts and put it back on. I will try out the Ram test to be sure, going to use 2x 4gb in one channel to see if it's the problem then going to check out more combinations.

Just downloaded memtest to rule out any problem. But the CMOS tips probably can help, I will also turn off the Intel turbo boost, maybe that is overclocking the processor, I don't know, I've seen overclocked machines rebooting like this, maybe the bios is overclocking I don't know.

@leandro_smg That probably wouldn't hurt, the only issue would be if the system crashes during BIOS reinstallation. That would likely permanently brick the motherboard. Have you tried putting the i5 back in to see if the crash still occurs with it?

@alecm I used good thermal paste in the processor, I would rather not waste changing it back to i5, going to try other options before, hopefully can solve this before. going to try reset the mobo.

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Hi @leandro_smg

have you checked that the latestchipset and BIOS versions are installed? Check which revision motherboard you have (REV 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2) to make sure that you're on the correct download page.

Just a thought

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@jayeff Hey Jayeff, my Mobo is REV 1.0, GA B75M D3H, it has the F15 bios from 2013, I've update in the past to run the GTX 960. I don't know what's messing with the games and making this pc reboot, maybe I could reinstall the BIOS? Do you think this would help?

Hi @leandro_smg

If you had no problems with the i5 CPU then the BIOS most probably won't be the problem anyway as the E3 is a supported CPU.

Also did you check that you had the latest chipset drivers ‎ from 2015, you didn't say?

@jayeff yeah the i5 was really fine, never had a problem, I didn't install any driver other than the windows 10, but then I thought it was a driver problem and downloaded driver booster, but even after that it was still rebooting, I will try install this drivers you reccomended to see if it will work, thanks the tip!

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