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모델 A1419 / Late 2012 / 2.9 & 3.2 GHz Core i5 또는 3.4 GHz Core i7 프로세서, ID iMac13,2

330 질문 전체 보기

iMac 27 - 2546 | Power Supply Replaced...still refuses to power up

iFixit Community,

Thanks in advance for the amazing reference information. This site helped me in diagnosing, ordering parts and provided detailed instructions for repairing my late 2012 iMac’s perceived failing power supply.

Because the great iFixit information the power supply was swapped in carefully and quickly, but it still refuses to power-up.

When returning power to the iMac LED #1 is lit solid. When I press the power button, LED #1’s light goes out. No drive noise. No fans. I have to unplug and re-plug the the iMac before LED#1 will light again.

I suppose this is more of a sanity check. Does this indicate that the main logic board is faulty?

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UPDATE - 11/10/20

I was able to locate a replacement main logic board for the 2546 iMac 27. Albeit, it was a downgrade on video memory from 2GB to 512mb.

Again, iFixit’s guide for logic board removal was perfect:

iMac Intel 27" EMC 2546 Logic Board Replacement

I carefully disassembled the legacy logic board and swapped over the: proc, ram, sdram card, and wireless card.

New Problem:

When powering fans and drives are spinning up, but I am no hearing a start-up chime and the screen remains black.

I am receiving the following LED pattern:

LED 4 - off

LED 3 - off

LED 2 - ON

LED 1 - ON

I have confirmed that both monitor/panel cables are connected and fully seated.

Any ideas?

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