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2018년 3월에 출시된 Apple iPad 6의 Wi-Fi 전용 버전입니다. 32GB 및 128GB 스토리지 옵션으로 제공됩니다. 9.7인치 레티나 디스플레이와 64비트 A10 퓨전 칩이 특징입니다.

152 질문 전체 보기

Unresponsive band in screen after digitizer replacement

I just performed a digitizer swap on a very badly cracked iPad 6th gen. After reassembling everything, I crossed my fingers and cheered as it turned on, then again after I found the touch screen was responsive. However, upon trying to enter my passcode, I realized that there is a horizontal band across the screen that does not recognize any touch, infuriatingly in the same place as the top row of numbers. How do I fix this?

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hello Joel,

unfortunately, it is often talked about. There are many reasons why touch after replacement does not work partially. Most often it is a badly positioned connector in the proper port. The connection is mechanical and sometimes fails. Clean them and make sure all copper pins are in place. The second common reason is that the digitizer was damaged at the factory or during assembly. Of the 100 bought, over 15% are often damaged, while damage during assembly occurs on the edges of the signal tapes, along the main paths - at the edge of the contact with the housing. A abrasion is enough to turn off the entire section. Good luck.

  • regards,

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