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2014년 9월 19일에 출시된 이 5.5” 스크린 iPhone은 iPhone 6의 큰 버전입니다.

1527 질문 전체 보기

What is my iPhone screen unresponsive?

I have a iPhone 6 plus, and I had the common problem that there would be vertical lines coming from the top of the phone and it would be unresponsive. I figured I could fix it, so I bought a new screen and display. I put it all back together and the lines have gone away, but the screen is still unresponsive. Can someone please help me?

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선택된 해법

If you have replaced the screen and checked the touch connector is seated properly than it will be the common problem on the 6 plus known as touch disease. Usually to permanently fix this issue a micro jumper wire is soldered under the touch IC (meson)

As the 6 plus is getting on you might be able to put some packing on top of Meson although this will not be a permanent fix it might work until you can upgrade. To permanently fix this problem you would be looking at around $90

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Thank you for your speedy answer. Is there any way that I could get it fixed for a lot cheaper? Also, I don't know many of the things you said. Is there a guide online as to how I could do it myself?

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Benji Ash 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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