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2014년 9월 19일에 출시된 이 5.5” 스크린 iPhone은 iPhone 6의 큰 버전입니다.

1527 질문 전체 보기

Can no longer get email on phone

I had email (comcast) on my I phone. After an update, I could no longer get my email as the mail setting said I have to put a password in the mail setting, although the password was there and has been entered several times. I’ve tried to reactivate my mail on the phone with no luck.

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I’ve seen this happen a few times. Go to Settings > Mail > Accounts > *comcast account* and you should see a button that says “Re-enter your password”. Click this button and enter your password and it should start to work again.

Sometimes the prompts to enter the password from the home screen don’t always work so it is best if the password is entered directly into settings as I described above.

Hope this helps!

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