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모델 A1312 / Mid 2010 / 3.2 GHz Core i3 또는 2.8 & 3.6 GHz Core i5 또는 2.93 GHz Core i7, ID iMac11,3

383 질문 전체 보기

Can I use my iMac A1312 camera by usb?

My mac broke so I recycled the screen and put and adapter to use it by HDMI and I want to know if I can reuse the iSight camera and the speakers too.

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The speakers will need an amp to power them and the iSight camera will need a power source and then wired to your system with the speaker/mic audio.

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Do you have any guide for the iSight camera how to do it? the speakers i suposed i need to use an amplifier just wanted to ber sure

@danj Thanks but my iSight camera doesnt have this wires. Mine has grey purple white a strange orange/brown and black

You'll need to reverse engineer the pathway of the wires first figure out the power lines then the USB data.

@danj How can I know what are the power lines? the data lines just try? it wont broke if it miss any data wire? right?

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