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A television game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment; the PlayStation 4 Slim (CUH-2000 Series) is a thinner replacement model for the original PS4. Announced September 7, 2016.

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PS4 made a loud pop but still works; should I open it up to check it?

I was powering on my PS4 the other day and it (or I suppose it may have been the TV) made a very loud pop but then continued to turn on and work like nothing had happened. I restarted it and it still seemed fine and both the TV and PS4 still seem to work fine. Based on what I saw online already it seems like the noise was probably a capacitor blowing in the psu. I had an oil space heater running with a thermostat that shuts it off periodically so was thinking it shutting off might have caused a power surge and led to it blowing a capacitor. I was wondering if I could cause further damage to other components of the console if I continue using it. Should I open it up and check if a capacitor appears blown in the power supply and if so should I replace it or am I fine to just keep using the PS4 for now?

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It has been my experiance, an electrolitic blew, yes you should open it up.

Good luck,


Update (12/29/2020)

Electrolitic caps are the only component capable of making a loud explosion, and still have the circuit function. Usually enough capacitance is available to keep the power supply running. When the cap blows, they always open circuit. The larger ones really make a mess! I have seen it many times.

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No harm should come to your ps4 at this point, there is a level of uncertanty: what type cap was it? did it have a metal caseing? Are those fragments away from sensitive connections? Thoughs are some of the possible reasons to go there.

I have over 40 years in this field. I can tell you, if you heard a loud pop from a piece of electronics and it still works: A. You say THANK YOU! and B. You INVESTIGATE! Something happend and your machine might be working fine now, it might not later, too many unknowns!

Robert Toth

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