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모델 A1311 / Mid 2011 / 2.5 & 2.7 GHz Core i5 또는 2.8 GHz Core i7 프로세서

432 질문 전체 보기

iMac doesn't turn on

Hi all!

My iMac doesn’t turn on normally. The thing is that it works properly when its up and running. The only way to turn it on is reseting the SMC:

  1. Unplug all USB devices and the computer.
  2. Wait for 15 seconds.
  3. Plug the Mac back in and wait another 5 secs.
  4. Turn on your Mac.

I have replaced the power supply and the CR2032 PRAM battery… and still having the same problem. ¿Is that a logic board issue? Any help appreciated.

Thank you!

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I would run the onboard diagnostics. Restart your system and press the D key to enter.

Reference: Mac startup key combinations did you get any errors?

Thanks Dan but no luck. The hardware test went fine... 'no trouble found'.

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I would check your outlet making sure its properly wired 3-Wire Receptacle Tester Are you using a surge suppressor or better yet a UPS?

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I have a surge suppresor so I decided to plug the computer directly without it... at the begining it seemed to be the problem because did not happend after 10 times swith-off/switch-on . After 1h I came back to check it out and didn't turn on again :(

I have tried another cord and still de same.

So I apply the procedure I mentioned before to turn-on the iMac.

@pau_alonso - Did you check your outlets with the outlet tester?

@danj I did not, but I have conected other devices as usb harddrive and a printer so I guess there is not need ¿or should I test it? because I don't have an outlet tester.

@pau_alonso - Just like water you need to check the source! When you have odd power issues you need to check the source of your power for the system "The Outlet" this is a very cheap tool everyone should have as any three pronged device needs all three connections to work: Hot, Neutral & Ground.

Please check it!

@danj - I checked the outlets and seems fine. I tried out diferent outlets within diferent rooms in the house.

I noticed when I plug the cord if it makes an electric sound that means it will definitely turn-on.

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