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모델 A1419 / Late 2012 / 2.9 & 3.2 GHz Core i5 또는 3.4 GHz Core i7 프로세서, ID iMac13,2

330 질문 전체 보기

Both HDD & SSD failing, planning on replacing only HDD with new SSD.

I currently have both the SSD & HDD (Fusion Drive) on my iMac with a S.M.A.R.T. status failing. From my research it means that both these drives have very little life left in them.

I plan on splitting the Fusion Drive into the two separate drives and then only replace the HDD with the SSD using the iFixit drive replacement kit. However I’m not sure if it will cause any issues to still have the failing SSD left in the iMac. I had not planned to remove it since the process is a bit more involved and was hoping it would be fine to let the failed drive sit there without causing trouble.

Just hoping someone might know if this would be alright or if it would be best to remove the failed SSD as well.


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It’s always best to remove the failed component from the machine as you can run into a variety of issues by leaving it in. I have had machines shut down, lock up, fail to boot, even so far as fail to post sometimes, when plugging components in that are faulty. Now, that’s not to say that you WILL have any issues, it’s entirely possible that the iMac will run fine if you split the drive and leave the ssd portion of the fusion drive uninitialized, but if you’re asking what’s best, it is always best to remove failed components.

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Ok, I was hoping it wasn't the case but had a sneaking suspicion it would probably be best to remove the failed SSD as well. Guess I just need to roll my sleeves up farther than I expected, haha.

Thanks for the reply @judahorion :)

Appreciate you confirming what would be the best approach!

@weerd No problem! Good luck!

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