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모델 A1502 / 2.4, 2.6 또는 2.8 GHz 듀얼-코어 Intel 프로세서 / 2013년 10월 출시

552 질문 전체 보기

Am I able to upgrade the RAM on this laptop?

Am I able to upgrade the RAM on this laptop?

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I’ve attached image of exact spec. Has only 16GB of RAM and I’d like to upgrade it to 64GB.


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Unfortunately the RAM cannot be upgraded on this laptop. This model continued the trend of soldering RAM to the logic board that started in the Macbook Air. From what I can see on Mactracker, the maximum amount of RAM Apple put in this model is 16 so even if you swapped the logic board you will not be able to get additional RAM. If you need more you will need to purchase a new laptop.

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Thanks Ben. You're a legend. And I appreciate your response.

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Flash McKenzie 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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