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2014년 9월 19일에 출시된 이 5.5” 스크린 iPhone은 iPhone 6의 큰 버전입니다.

1527 질문 전체 보기

iPhone 6 plus when power on after 2 to 4 minutes it power off and on

iPhone 6 plus when power on after 2 to 4 minutes it power off and on itself then repeat the same process again after 2 to 4 min, I changed the battery but it did not solve the problem, I flashed it with updated IOS but still the same and during flashing process it did not turn off…… ..when connected to charger the Vbat voltage fractalated between 3.5 to 4 does not stay constant…what might be the problem????

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Most likely it seems to be the Charging IC being faulty, as it fluctuates between 3.5 to 4V.

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does it cause the battery percent also to change rapidly from 20 % to 1% ??

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