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Model A1236 / 4 or 8 GB capacity

134 질문 전체 보기

iPod nano is nonresponsive

ipod nano completely dead ......not responding whn put for charging ....it had nt been used for a while .... so whn i pluged it in fr the first time to my laptop it turned on and itunes also recognised it ....but thn nw it dosent respond only .....it displays nothing on the screen ....and whn u charge it fr a long time the rear panel heats up ....how should i turn it on ???? .....how to revive it ???? ...plzzz help.......

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plzz respond asap .....

and troubleshooting .restarting ....turning on and off the hold button does nt work ....!!!

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선택된 답변

First step, clean out your dock connector. Blast it with compressed air and try reconnecting.

If that doesn't work and your iPod had worked fine before, my bet would be on a dead battery. You can buy the batteries here and use our guide for the procedure.

It could also be a bad dock connector, but I would eliminate the battery first. Good luck and let us know what happens!

iPod nano (3rd Gen) Battery 이미지


iPod nano (3rd Gen) Battery


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