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Model A1288 / 8, 16, or 32 GB capacity

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iPod No power after repair

So I'm fixing my girlfriend's sister's iPod. I have done these many times before, just a cracked screen.

So after I replaced it everything went fine. She told me a few days later that the home button has stopped working. So I just took off the new touch screen to take a look. when I go to power it on and it seems to unresponsive.

I tried 3 cords, all usb ports on two computers. Nothing.

Did I short out the logic board?

Any help would be great.


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check your battery has output/charge with a multimeter. The experts on ipods will know better but if the home button isn't working it may be the charging port is dead/not connected, hence not charging/syncing.

Can I check it with out lifting the lcd?

Oh wait never mind I lifted the lcd.

Ok, So im getting a reading from the battery and a higher one when i plug in the charge cable.

Try reconnecting LCD an doing a reset. This may power the LCD back on. If it is recognised in iTunes this may be an LCD problem.

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I got it. I used another digitizer from a another ipod and it boots up.

Thanks to all of you who help me.

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