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Repair and disassembly information for Samsung's flagship S20 Android smartphone, released in March of 2020.

50 질문 전체 보기

Is it possible to fix gray horizontal lines on my samsung galaxy s20?

Gray lines keep appearing on my phone screen. They show up for half a second then disappear again for some time. It's more frequent when I turn my phone horizontaly and it's very noticeable when I'm watching videos. The lines are some times very thin when my phone screen is horizontal but when it's in a normal position they are somewhat wide and gray with black small black spots in them. Got this phone only a few months ago and I haven't dropped it. The only damage on the screen are a couple of scratches so it might be the problem because I haven't experienced this before the scratches happened but I wanted to see if it might be a software problem instead and still fixable

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You could try a factory reset and see if its software related. This would be the quickest way to find out, MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP IMPORTANT DATA!

If the problem persists on a fresh factory reset, the problem is there for hardware and I would be looking into any warranty cover you may have on your handset.

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