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모델 A1502 / 2.4, 2.6 또는 2.8 GHz 듀얼-코어 Intel 프로세서 / 2013년 10월 출시

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Attempted to install Aura SSD

Good morning,

I attempted to install the Aura Pro x2 SSD 240GB twice with no success. What trouble shoot suggestions do you have? Thank you.

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No sure what you mean by "no success".

I had an issue using an Aura Pro x2 drive in a 2013 MacBook Air. More than likely your computer was shipped with an AHCI SSD, and while the Aura is compatible, it's actually using a different interface (Nvme - PCIe). This will make boot times incredibly slow on 2013-2014 models. OWC does disclose this in subscript writing at the bottom of the Aura order page. My Air took a whole 56 seconds to boot to the login screen. The Apple logo didn't appear right away, it was just a black screen. Is that what is happening to you?

I returned the Aura and bought a replacement AHCI SSD off Amazon. Boots as it should now, now issues.

The other possibility is what @danj posted. You need to update your OS using the original drive. My OWC drive included a warning page in the box.

@Dmak - FYI:

MacBook Pro (Late 2013 - Mid 2014)

The Late 2013 and Mid 2014 MacBook Pro laptops both support all generation 3 drive options, and as with the MacBook Airs, while the included drives were PCIe 2.0 x2, the logic boards all support four channel PCIe connections.

The MacBook Pros also support the NVMe protocol, and like the Mac Pro, require macOS 10.10.3 or later. (this is with Apples custom drives)

For OWC you need 10.13.x High Sierra. The issue is the systems firmware as well as the newer NVMe driver which Apple opened up for 3rd parties like OWC and Transcend to use.

I've not had any problems using either even on this older model as long as the OS is properly installed.

Reference: The Ultimate Guide to Apple’s Proprietary SSDs

@Dmak success means that my laptop would had worked after I installed it. how easy was it to return the SSD? I am curious if the SSD is malfunctioning or of poor quality.

@Dan Thanks for the info. To be honest, this was my first time dealing with this issue. The Air came to me with the standard 128gb SSD and Catalina installed. The woman wanted to upgrade to a 1Tb. Already running Catalina, I had no problems cloning the og drive to the new 1Tb. As stated, it booted extremely slow, but once logged in everything worked fine, and it actually seemed snappier now than with the og installed. However the owner wanted it "fixed", with the same or better boot times than before. I even tried wiping the drive, with a fresh install of Catalina or Big Sur, the boot time was still the same; a little over 50 seconds. I was told on a forum that those machines look for the AHCI interface first, once that times out, it is able to boot from the NVMe drive. As stated, it did work however just a slow boot, which personally I didn't see as a big deal, but the owner knows best. I ended up purchasing an AHCI Transcend drive from Amazon. Boot time was back to normal, and cost wasn't all that different

@Noel Sorry man, no success is just very vague. It could have been you couldn't get the bottom case cover off for all I knew. No worries.

It was very easy to return the drive to OWC. I told them the truth, that the drive was just too slow to boot, they didn't even question it.

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What is your macOS version you need to be running High Sierra or newer. If not you'll need to do that first with your original SSD inlace or using an external drive as your boot drive to upgrade your OS which will also upgrade your systems firmware which is part of the issue..

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