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Repair guides and disassembly information for the Samsung Galaxy A51 Android smartphone. Released in January of 2020.

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How can I hide this hairline crack

Hi, in the image you can see i have a little crack across the screen,

i was told its a hairline crack, on the day it cracked i had no screenprotector on, thats why.

when the phone is striaght and im looking at it, i cant see. but when its angled or on a table its noticeable. i dont want to replace.

How can i hide it, like any liquid i can rub to hide it?

thanks. the images i attatched have a screenprotector on top

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

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do not put any liquid to hide the crack you could end up making it worse. unfortunately with cell phones you cant fix like a windshield on a car. when you do eventually replace it make sure to have a screen protector to put on it.

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