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A1418 / EMC 2833 / Late 2015 / 3.1 GHz Core i5 또는 3.3GHz Core i7 프로세서. 2015년 10월 13일 출시.

97 질문 전체 보기

Fans are spinning normal but screen stays black and no startup chime

I recently bought this mac, and I wanted to factory reset it. While it was rebooting, I accidentally unplugged it and the screen has not turned on since. I tried to do a PRAM reset, but it did not respond. I have tried to make a bootable disk, but that dod not work either. The fans spin and I think the magic keyboard connects to it but the screen stays black.

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See if you can boot up in Safe mode, press Shift (⇧) key during startup

Reference: Mac startup key combinations

If that fails time to visit an Apple Store

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Try using a wired USB keyboard (any will work), The driver for the magic keyboard probably is not loading. Then try rebooting in Recovery Mode and run Disk Utilities.

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Thanks for the response! Sadly, I tried this and the screen still stays black.

with the wired keyboard try Dans solution. that failing do a SMC & PRAM reset

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