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모델 A1502 / 2.4, 2.6 또는 2.8 GHz 듀얼-코어 Intel 프로세서 / 2013년 10월 출시

552 질문 전체 보기

System is shut down

My seven year old laptop is shutting down within a couple minutes of booting up. I think it’s the cpu overheating because the centre top of the underside of the laptop is heating up rapidly in that time and the fan is spinning loudly. Less then six months ago I replaced the speakers and thermal paste about two weeks apart from each other (don’t think it’s fully related but just giving context). About two months ago the laptop bricked itself for a day then restarted as per normal. Then this issue appeared about three weeks ago.

I’m not sure it there is anything I can do to get the system running for just a few days so I can clear the hard drive and factory reset everything. If there isn’t anything I can do is it possible to access the hard drive by removing it and accessing it via a housing unit externally?

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I’m suspecting the battery and the charging logic are in trouble here given the age of your system.

Lets do this, follow this guide disconnecting the battery following the first steps upto Step 6 MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Late 2013 배터리 교체. Now sit the system on its side with the display open so you can see it and can access the power button with nothing connected. Press the power button holding it for a good 15 secs to fully discharge the logic. Now carefully plug in your MagSafe charger your system should spontaneously startup did it? If not then your logic board is in trouble, if it does then your battery is shot.

Also, make sure the MagSafe charger LED is Amber

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The system booted up and slowly loaded. I did forget to mention in the original post that I have had the battery and keyboard replaced in the MacBook in the past at seperate times. I’m not sure if they can have any effects on this issue.

To sum up, yes it worked for now but I’m not sure if it will last

@deaconofmarz - Let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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