Asus Rog Phone 3 stuck on logo or charging icon if charger disconnect

After reassembling the phone to check if the newly attached display works(the phone worked fine when testing the new display before disassembly) I found that while it does turn on, it stays on the ROG logo. Same thing while charging, but the charging icon stays on even when the phone has been disconnected from power. Tried going into bootloader, but while it opens the basic menu, if I choose recovery, it tries to boot and gets stuck at the logo again.

The part with the bigger chip does heat up, indicating that something is going on. The only difference is that after testing the screen and before installing it, that I wiped off the old thermal paste to swap it for a fresh blob, so I believe that this might be a hardware issue if the paste is blocking something it shouldn't be.

I'm considering removing the circled metal plates( to try and clean the misplaced thermal paste & isopropyl mix with isopropyl alcohol, but maybe this isn't the only solution?

So far I’ve tried:

  1. Connecting only the necessary cables to the motherboard(battery, screen and power button), to see if any others were causing the issue.
  2. Leaving it on the logo/charging screen for a longer time.
  3. Charging it - the charging icon doesn’t show any movement, which it should even if the phone is off.
  4. Cleaning the connectors with isopropyl alchocol.
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