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모델 A1312 / Mid 2010 / 3.2 GHz Core i3 또는 2.8 & 3.6 GHz Core i5 또는 2.93 GHz Core i7, ID iMac11,3

383 질문 전체 보기

I want to replace my hdd with an sdd. I bought a 4tb samsung evo.

I have a samsung evo 870 4tb to replace my rotational 4tb imac hard drive. I have no kit but i think i need a caddy to hold the 2.5 inch drive. Question is do i need any additional cables and can i get them and the caddy from ifixit. I dont want the expensive all inclusive kit as i already have a drive and as I'm in the UK paying customs duty is entirely unnaceptible to me. Solutions please?

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I think all i need is the temperature sensor and a hard drive mount. But it seems that you wont ship anything to the UK when i tried to buy the sensor.

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Here’s the guide for replacing the hard drive. Step #16 shows how to replace with an SSD:

iMac Intel 27" EMC 2390 Hard Drive Replacement

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