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Apple의 MacBook Air 13" 2015년 5월 업데이트에는 5 세대 Intel Core i5 및 i7 프로세서가 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

630 질문 전체 보기

Is all my info gone after this?

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I went to a website to try to fix a problem with my Mac saying WiFi no hardware installed. Steps I took. Turn your Mac off. Then hold down Command ⌘ + Option + P + Rkeys together.

  1. Hold down Command ⌘ + Option + P + R together.
  2. Keep holding these four keys down while you turn on the Mac again. Release them all together only after you hear the Mac reboot sound again.

I’m such an idiot and I’m so !#^&@@ that they didn’t tell me in the article you could lose your stuff! ?

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Click on “Macintosh HD” under “Apple SSD SM0128G Media". If you see 68 GB used, your data probably hasn't been erased.

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Thanks, what do I do next?

@aimeehayworth Try to restart, holding the option/alt key on your keyboard at startup. This should bring up a list of bootable drives. If you see it, select Macintosh HD.

I love you! It works again perfectly and all my information is there! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

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I would pull the SSD and put it in an external enclosure and access it using another Mac.

OWC makes an enclosure.


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I don’t mean to be rude but I don’t have another Mac. How can I fix this with this Mac alone? Or is it unfixable?

Do you have a friend with one? It doesn't need to be laptop a iMac or Mac Mini will also work.

I’m more concerned about my bookmarks, and favorites than files. I didn’t have anything of value with that. You think those are completely gone?

You did what is called a PRAM reset. This really should not have bothered your data. How many times did you let it reset? The normal is three times.

I just reset it once, but it’s saying macOS utilities.

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