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Apple's fourth-generation smartwatch, with optional cellular connectivity, released September 21, 2018.

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Does the force touch need to be replaced on the Apple Watch?

I was just wondering since Apple disabled force touch on all Apple watches, if during repair the force touch ring is damaged, does it need to be replaced and are they are consequences if it’s not replaced?

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Hello Limar,

The Force Touch ring also functions as a seal on the model 4. The cost of the new one is $ 0,5 -1.5 in proper part shops.


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Good question! I don't think anyone has tested to see if not putting it back will make a difference.

Frankly, I would put it back as the thickness will affect the crystal and displays position. Space is tight inside so the gap between the back of the display and the logic inside maybe too close which could damage things. The lack of load of the input could also mess things up.

Here's the needed part [[ 잘못된 부품 링크 ]]

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