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Released in 2019, these wireless headphones have digital noise cancelling technology and came in a variety of colours. These can be identified with the model number WH-H910N.

2 질문 전체 보기

Broken right ear piece

Broken right ear piece

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I’ve been working on some guides for these headphones for a while now while fixing my own problem with the headband arch coming apart.

I’m not sure if these will help because I’m not quite sure what your problem is, but I’ve taken my guides out of Work In Progress because they’re pretty good at this point, but they are missing images for the meantime (I would like to finish all the images in the future). If it’s a broken casing problem, then I think they should help :)

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Hi Dzuk i have a broken hear on 3 , how i can contact you

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trouble shooting for … on 2 model - Sony h.ear On 2 Troubleshooting

The article - https://www.sony.com/electronics/support...

more links:

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