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Windows update file can't be deleted

I used my hard drive to update windows because my laptop storage was full and then I accidently stopped windows update downloading. After that, the temp file windows created for windows update can’t be deleted. The root folder name is “asdf”, and there is one sub folder “bcde” and inside it, another folder named “ret” with no file or folder. I can’t delete with del command or rmdir command. And I can’t also run chkdsk command and it returns “unexpected error has occur”. Please help me solve the problem because I need to run chkdsk. I am starting to hear clicky sounds from hard drive.

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Can you format the hard drive?

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Just update Windows again, of course without interrupting this time. But it would be a good idea to delete some of the unwanted/unnecessary files and applications/programs on your laptop’s hard drive.

BUT if your hard drive is making noises it sounds like it is about to crash. Probably time to replace with an SSD (solid state drive). Backup any important data to your external drive right away!

The sound is the drive read/write head attempting access some data on the medium. It could be corrupted data or the worse - about to crash/die.

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@aachan Yes bro. I contacted the store and they said they will return a new hard disk since the device still have warranty. For windows update file, I updated windows again on SSD (my windows is installed on it) after removing unnecessary files. So I can't use hard drive again for that. Thanks for advice anyway.

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